Konferenca Evropske zveze slepih o slabovidnosti

EBU LOW VISION Conference 14-17 June 2018, Slovenia

Dear friends and colleagues

Following the announcement on March 5th, this communication includes information for your registration. You can also download the draft conference programme.

 This year, in Slovenia (June 14th - 17th) for the very first time EBU will host a conference with a specific focus on "low vision". The aim at this event is to bring together stakeholders with a particular interest in low vision, and dedicated low vision services, either through their work in rehabilitation/ophthalmology or related fields, or by having lived experience of low vision.

EBU intends to use the collective wisdom of participants and presenters to mobilise a European wide commitment to put low vision and dedicated services on the policy map. Our intention is:


  • To have the EBU standards for low vision services implemented throughout Europe,
  • To enlist people with low vision and professionals in this ‘movement’ so that national networks of persons with low vision are formed or strengthened,
  • To ensure that as a right, people with low vision can live in a world that is open and ultimately accessible to them where full participation in citizenship and community, family and personal life becomes the norm.


What is perhaps different about this event is that it is anticipated that each member organisation will ensure participation by at least one person who lives with low vision and at least another who has a particular interest in this area of work.Participants do not need to be members of your organisation but for funding purposes their completed registration forms must be sent from a national EBU member organisation. More than two participants are welcome to attend but a fee may apply for third and subsequent national representatives. We hope to have a balance of professionals and persons with low vision and we need your help with this.

To secure your places, please register as soon as possible. Make sure to secure your places even if your organisation is not in a position to give specific names at this point.Registration will close on Monday April 23rd when hotel accommodation will be finalised. The number of rooms is limited so the default will be to allocate twin rooms to everybody. A single room may be requested and, subject to availability, can be booked. A single supplement (approx. 15 EUR) will be charged per night for single rooms and this will be payable by the occupant to the hotel directly.Wait for the registration confirmation before booking your flight. Flight details will be required ASAP after the confirmation as transfers will need to be managed to the hotel.Requests submitted for registration after the above deadline will depend on room availability which will be outside of our control.

Please download the registration form, complete and send it to Polona Car, UPBSS Program manager, polona.car@zveza-slepih.si at your earliest convenience and no later than 23rd April 2018.

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